Moose didn't last....
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Last Ten Days
You wouldn't believe me even if I had pictures or a video camera. But the last ten days have been a roller coaster of nursing sick babies. Grace was sick starting on the 9th, Jack got sick on the 10th sick, we had baby Gabby for a few days who bless her heart was also sick, Grace was sick again (all over couches and beds) Thursday-Sunday, and then this morning we had to take Jack to the ER. He now has sepsis and an ear infection. How the heck he got a blood infection is beyond me. But I am thanking God this afternoon that I was at the right place at the right time (as we were walking into the heath clinic he started to turn blue), and that we are not dealing with the 2005/2006 Gutherie. I was very pleased how Jack was handled/treated this morning. They did baby CPR, x-rays, an iv, blood tests, urine and fecal tests... and Jack was a trooper through the whole thing even falling asleep while they were putting in the catheter. We have to go back for three days for Jack to get a series of shots of antibiotics. So... last Friday I thought I was done with sick babies... hopefully, by Saturday I will be done with sick babies... for at least awhile.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Jack's Four Month Update
At four and a half months, Jack is doing very well. He is 15 pounds and 24 inches long which puts him in the 20% catagory. His numbers are doing well, so the doctor has lowered his vitamin intake. And they are surprised at his developmental progress. He is functioning as a six month old. So we are now allowed to get him some time with a jumper or an excerisaucer. Just in the past few days he is holding his own bottle, rolling better and starting to do some creeping. Next week he will start his physical therapy for his legs.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Christmas Camel
Jack's First Thanksgiving Parade
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Moose's First Halloween
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Halloween Weekend 2008 |
We couldn't find a Moose costume... but he was a baby spider since his sister was a lady bug. Just a pair of cute little love bugs.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Rice Cereal
Jack had his first rice cereal experience today and he LOVED it. Since his vitamin D and iron levels are basically on the floor, we are supplementing with formula and rice cereal. Hopefully this is all Jack needs in addition to his exercises. GG was excited that she was the first one to feed both Grace and Jack their first "solid" food experience. Grace even danced for Jack while he was eating.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Answers about Jack's leg conditions
A version of the email I sent Daniel about Jack.
The blessing is we have more answers and tools to help our little Jack than we started with. And if treated at a young age, the problem usually doesn't come back. Jack will always be followed carefully throughout his growth and development. He will also be susceptible to early onset of arthritis (between his teen years and age 30).
The specialist wants to diagnose Jack with Infantile Blount's Disease. It is a form of bow-legs that affects only the tibia or shin. There is no femur involvement. But there isn't any certainty of the disease until he is at least 6 months.
He said that in most cases with infants (9 months-15) and/or toddlers there is no effect on their ability to walk. The doctor said that there probably won't be any need for aggressive treatments (surgery) until he is between 15-18 months.
1. So the first thing we need to do is have his vitamin D levels checked regularly to determine if he is having a hard time metabolizing it. (Apparently it is a cause.) (I had to have his blood drawn this morning before going to the appointment and the specialist said this is why--to screen his Vitimin D levels. So that will happen monthly and can be done Guthrie.
2. No baby shoes and we have to keep him off his feet. The specialist said we don't want to add any additional stresses to his ankles and feet.
3. We will continue with the bi-weekly measuring of the space between his knees and the curvature of his shins. There is a possibility that the curvature will remain until his muscles of his lower back and legs are strong enough to support standing. So that leads us to number four.
4. Continue with the muscle strengthening exercises and the massaging exercise for loosening his tendons. It will help with the charley horses too.
5. Jack has vitamin supplements as well as a special diet for myself since I am nursing him. (Poor diet is a cause too.)
6. Monthly checks with the specialist to document any progess in addition to his well-baby appointments.
7. At four months- we can supplement what we do at home with monthly physical therapy appointments.
8. At six months they will do a series of x-rays to give him the complete diagnosis of either Infantile Blount's Disease or just bow-legs.
9. There are additional treatments if there is progressive worsening of the curvature of his shins. There is a trial bracing period (check out and look up blount's disease in children to check out the braces). The braces have to be worn for 23 hours a day and as the bone straightens out, the orthotic is changed every 2 months.
10. Surgery involves cutting the shin bone to realign it. There is also a procedure where they can surgerically restrict the shin bone to allow natural growth to reverse the bowing process. This procedure usually leads to a leg length discrepancy.
The blessing is we have more answers and tools to help our little Jack than we started with. And if treated at a young age, the problem usually doesn't come back. Jack will always be followed carefully throughout his growth and development. He will also be susceptible to early onset of arthritis (between his teen years and age 30).
The specialist wants to diagnose Jack with Infantile Blount's Disease. It is a form of bow-legs that affects only the tibia or shin. There is no femur involvement. But there isn't any certainty of the disease until he is at least 6 months.
He said that in most cases with infants (9 months-15) and/or toddlers there is no effect on their ability to walk. The doctor said that there probably won't be any need for aggressive treatments (surgery) until he is between 15-18 months.
1. So the first thing we need to do is have his vitamin D levels checked regularly to determine if he is having a hard time metabolizing it. (Apparently it is a cause.) (I had to have his blood drawn this morning before going to the appointment and the specialist said this is why--to screen his Vitimin D levels. So that will happen monthly and can be done Guthrie.
2. No baby shoes and we have to keep him off his feet. The specialist said we don't want to add any additional stresses to his ankles and feet.
3. We will continue with the bi-weekly measuring of the space between his knees and the curvature of his shins. There is a possibility that the curvature will remain until his muscles of his lower back and legs are strong enough to support standing. So that leads us to number four.
4. Continue with the muscle strengthening exercises and the massaging exercise for loosening his tendons. It will help with the charley horses too.
5. Jack has vitamin supplements as well as a special diet for myself since I am nursing him. (Poor diet is a cause too.)
6. Monthly checks with the specialist to document any progess in addition to his well-baby appointments.
7. At four months- we can supplement what we do at home with monthly physical therapy appointments.
8. At six months they will do a series of x-rays to give him the complete diagnosis of either Infantile Blount's Disease or just bow-legs.
9. There are additional treatments if there is progressive worsening of the curvature of his shins. There is a trial bracing period (check out and look up blount's disease in children to check out the braces). The braces have to be worn for 23 hours a day and as the bone straightens out, the orthotic is changed every 2 months.
10. Surgery involves cutting the shin bone to realign it. There is also a procedure where they can surgerically restrict the shin bone to allow natural growth to reverse the bowing process. This procedure usually leads to a leg length discrepancy.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
A Reason to Celebrate
So Saturday night, Moose didn't go to bed until 4 in the morning. But last night... Drum roll please.... HE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT. That is right 7 hours! WHOO HOO! Praise God! We are doing the crazy Gracie dance this morning! Now we are off to the neurologist!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Spilling the beans
This verse really speaks to our hearts right now. Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks. Philippians 4:6
I know I haven't really gone into a whole lot of details about Jack, because we don't really know much ourselves. And I don't really share things that bother me or challenges that our family faces. But here we go. So everyone is on the same page. (This a version of the email I sent Daniel, since he is in the field... I'm not sure if he can get his email from his mac account, but the information is here too for Papa...)
Jack's pediatrician is concerned about Jack being bowlegged. His legs are not "uncurling" as they should and they are really tight. He screams out in pain every time we move his legs to put him in the chest carrier or his car seat.. the muscles are really tight. His legs also do this twitching thing, which we understand was supposed to stop or at least slow down... but that's becoming more intense too. About every two hours his right leg will twitch for about 10 minutes...
The marathon of doctor appointments started Today, Wednesday.
So, first things first-- Jack is 11 pounds 2 oz and he an ace getting his shots (probably because he was already tired from the poking, prodding, and measuring of his legs). Little dude whimpered for a quick couple of seconds and that was it. He is a brave little guy.
Jack's measurements of his legs haven't changed since they first measured them two weeks ago. The concern is mainly with his shins as Daniel predicated. Jack's ankles haven't rolled out yet and his feet are still flat. The doctor was pleased about that. So Doctor Pederson wants to continue with the measurements (every two weeks). He is sending us to see a neurologist on Monday about his legs twitches. He is also sending us to a specialist next Wednesday to make sure that he (Jack's doctor) is doing the measuring of the curves of Jack's legs correctly. At the end of next week we meet with Dr. Pederson again to go over all the information from the neurologist and the specialist. From there two things will happen.
1. They will continue to measure/monitor his legs every two weeks until he is a year. If Jack's legs don't do anymore curving or it seems as if they may fix themselves naturally based on his measurements, then he will just need special shoes when he starts walking as a precaution and to help make sure his ankles stay straight and his feet are flat. He suggested staying away from baby shoes and to keep him in socks.
2. If his legs are getting worse then they will schedule him for casts for his braces the first week in November and he will get his braces around the third week in November. He will only have to wear them at night when he sleeps. They would want to fix them with "soft" braces before his legs worsen further and his bones get harder and then have to be broken.
(There was a third option that Dr Pederson touched base on... and that was if the twitches are connected with the bowleggedness he may have to have surgery on his tendons. He also reassured me that if there is a possibility for surgery that he would get himself, the neurologist and the specialist together to meet with Daniel and I before discussing it further.)
Meanwhile, in between all of the appointments-- We have some exercises to try to strengthen his legs and loosen up his tendons in hopes that it helps with the curving, twitching and the pain he seems to be feeling after legs twitches (it was explained to me as charley horses, but the neurologist will give me more information about that). Doctor Pederson said if we wanted more data, then he would try to see if tricare would cover sending us to a second specialist. PopPop suggested doing them in warm water, and I think that is a marvolous idea. So we are going to spend some time at the pool in the afternoons before dinner.
On a better note, Jack's throat has healed from the acid reflux and that seems to be getting better-- so I have to continue to keep him upright as much as possible after eating. Wendy and Sandy also showed me some other tricks. So thats good that he doesn't need any further intervention on that one.
I know I haven't really gone into a whole lot of details about Jack, because we don't really know much ourselves. And I don't really share things that bother me or challenges that our family faces. But here we go. So everyone is on the same page. (This a version of the email I sent Daniel, since he is in the field... I'm not sure if he can get his email from his mac account, but the information is here too for Papa...)
Jack's pediatrician is concerned about Jack being bowlegged. His legs are not "uncurling" as they should and they are really tight. He screams out in pain every time we move his legs to put him in the chest carrier or his car seat.. the muscles are really tight. His legs also do this twitching thing, which we understand was supposed to stop or at least slow down... but that's becoming more intense too. About every two hours his right leg will twitch for about 10 minutes...
The marathon of doctor appointments started Today, Wednesday.
So, first things first-- Jack is 11 pounds 2 oz and he an ace getting his shots (probably because he was already tired from the poking, prodding, and measuring of his legs). Little dude whimpered for a quick couple of seconds and that was it. He is a brave little guy.
Jack's measurements of his legs haven't changed since they first measured them two weeks ago. The concern is mainly with his shins as Daniel predicated. Jack's ankles haven't rolled out yet and his feet are still flat. The doctor was pleased about that. So Doctor Pederson wants to continue with the measurements (every two weeks). He is sending us to see a neurologist on Monday about his legs twitches. He is also sending us to a specialist next Wednesday to make sure that he (Jack's doctor) is doing the measuring of the curves of Jack's legs correctly. At the end of next week we meet with Dr. Pederson again to go over all the information from the neurologist and the specialist. From there two things will happen.
1. They will continue to measure/monitor his legs every two weeks until he is a year. If Jack's legs don't do anymore curving or it seems as if they may fix themselves naturally based on his measurements, then he will just need special shoes when he starts walking as a precaution and to help make sure his ankles stay straight and his feet are flat. He suggested staying away from baby shoes and to keep him in socks.
2. If his legs are getting worse then they will schedule him for casts for his braces the first week in November and he will get his braces around the third week in November. He will only have to wear them at night when he sleeps. They would want to fix them with "soft" braces before his legs worsen further and his bones get harder and then have to be broken.
(There was a third option that Dr Pederson touched base on... and that was if the twitches are connected with the bowleggedness he may have to have surgery on his tendons. He also reassured me that if there is a possibility for surgery that he would get himself, the neurologist and the specialist together to meet with Daniel and I before discussing it further.)
Meanwhile, in between all of the appointments-- We have some exercises to try to strengthen his legs and loosen up his tendons in hopes that it helps with the curving, twitching and the pain he seems to be feeling after legs twitches (it was explained to me as charley horses, but the neurologist will give me more information about that). Doctor Pederson said if we wanted more data, then he would try to see if tricare would cover sending us to a second specialist. PopPop suggested doing them in warm water, and I think that is a marvolous idea. So we are going to spend some time at the pool in the afternoons before dinner.
On a better note, Jack's throat has healed from the acid reflux and that seems to be getting better-- so I have to continue to keep him upright as much as possible after eating. Wendy and Sandy also showed me some other tricks. So thats good that he doesn't need any further intervention on that one.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Hiking in the Rain and Apple Picking
This weekend, GG came to visit. But before we went to pick her up at the airport, we took Moose and Grace to the Salmon River Falls, the fish hatchery, and to kill more time (surprise, surprise her flight was delayed)-- Apple Picking in Mexico. We were lucky enough that the rain stopped for 30 minutes so Grace could pick her one perfect apple.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Cider Mill with Papa and Casey
Here are the boys at the Cider Mill-- plus one of the fam and the waterfall. Jack is already showing his displeasure with being the youngest and not being able to eat the yummy donuts. Sorry buddy-- draw back to not having any teeth. As much as we reassured him that he will get his turn at the donuts later, he didn't buy it.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Natural Stone Caverns Near Lake George
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Jack thinks his gak is FUNNY
Jack has taken to gaking and then smiling and baby giggling about it. All we have to say is-- Jack, Mama and Papa don't think that half a cup of gak is funny. You should find something else to amuse yourself with-- like toys or the ceiling fan. Your sister really enjoyed ceiling fans.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Lots of Mommy Guilt
So the last two days I have been getting frustrated with Grace. I keep getting after her about leaving Jack alone. I will put Jack down on his tummy in the living room and go get something from the kitchen or switch a load of clothes. When I come back, he is totally not where I left him. I've been getting on Grace to leave him alone. She insists that she is.
First this morning, Jack takes his first tumble off the bed. I yell at Grace thinking she pushed him off, but she was in her room reading. (I was taking a shower) Then I put him down on the floor again this morning and I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it for myself-- Jack is rolling. Grace was right, she is leaving him alone... he just rolls. Not only did I underestimate our daughter's ability to listen, I also underestimated our son's ability to move. So by 8:00 this morning, I was humbled as a mother. How I went two days missing stuff like that, I don't know. But I feel really bad about yelling at her while she was reading books and Jack was "rolling" off the bed during my shower.
First this morning, Jack takes his first tumble off the bed. I yell at Grace thinking she pushed him off, but she was in her room reading. (I was taking a shower) Then I put him down on the floor again this morning and I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it for myself-- Jack is rolling. Grace was right, she is leaving him alone... he just rolls. Not only did I underestimate our daughter's ability to listen, I also underestimated our son's ability to move. So by 8:00 this morning, I was humbled as a mother. How I went two days missing stuff like that, I don't know. But I feel really bad about yelling at her while she was reading books and Jack was "rolling" off the bed during my shower.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Climbing and playing on Papa's Knees
Here are some pics of Jack's favorite pass time.
In addition to smiling, we have also discovered hands. Unfortunately Moose discovered his hands around 2 in the morning about two nights ago and it was such an entertaining and exciting event that he played with his hands until 5:30 at which point Grace felt the need to wake up. He is starting to grab things, so thats very exciting. Grace will give him toys to play with, and he can kinda play along with her.
Moose is also learning to self-sooth. We have successfully taught him that he will not eat when he is upset-- because if Mama and Papa let him eat when he is upset, it becomes one giant gak mess.
But the most important thing to note, is that Mom has finally got a handle on the whole balancing of two kids.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
VMI Class of 2030
Monday, September 1, 2008
Jack's Labor Day Weekend
Moose spent his weekend smiling--- without accompanied by gas. However we haven't been stealthy enough to get it on camera... So much for documenting his first smile.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
One Month!
Jack is a month old-- time for him to start getting ready for his All American Lacrosse Debut! Its been a learning experience... having a boy or maybe its having more than one child. Daniel and I have learned that we have to do laundry more than once a week and that Moose can find a way to get his baby cheese everywhere but in the diaper! We have also discovered that some nights cereal is a great substitute for dinner, or that dinner maybe over or undercooked. Clean has also become a relative term as in-- oh, those pants have baby cheese on them, but these only have piddle... at least piddle dries and can be covered up with fabreeze. Scream-athons can be fun and even essential. Texting might be the only time you can talk to your spouse without interruptions and nothing beats a 20 minute childless shower--warm or cold.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Grace's Photography Skills
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The Raymond Wesley Sleep Position... Jack Style
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
What we have learned about Moose in three weeks
So far, three weeks in; we know that Jack has very sensitive skin, hates having his hands dirty, loves tummy time, is a great aimer with all of his bodily functions, and loves to hear his sister sing. Moose likes to play at 2 in the morning, and he is more of a snacker than an actual eater. He has also mastered holding his head up and prefers to be nested in blankets.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Jack's aim
Our little Jack has remarkable aim... and we can't decide if it is intentional or unintentional. Just to name a few of things he has hit--- a soda can, a cereal bowl, Grace's face, and this afternoon-- a cat. Poor Cali. We will have to teach him that there are other ways to claim things as his...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Jack's Belly Button!
Grace comes running in this morning and says "Mama! Mama! His stick is gone! Baby Jack no more stick!"
Meanwhile, I am like-- what IS she talking about. Grace grabs my hand and walks me over to Baby Jack, lifts up his t-shirt and says "See! Look! No more stick. Belly Button!"
Meanwhile, I am like-- what IS she talking about. Grace grabs my hand and walks me over to Baby Jack, lifts up his t-shirt and says "See! Look! No more stick. Belly Button!"
Here is a "conversation" between Grace and Jack...
Daniel and I just dropped off GG at the airport to fly to Boston.
15 minutes later Jack is bleating his head off like a billy goat or an automatic machine gun. Grace covers her head with her blanket and her ears with her hands.
10 minutes later, Daniel and I hear---sshh!shhh!
Another 5 minutes pass (Jack is still bleating) and Grace says (as loud as she can)---SSSHHHUUUUUSSSHHHH!
An additional 10 minutes pass and then Grace says "Jack! That's enough! No crying! I'm done! No one wants to listen!"
Daniel and I laughed the rest of the 15 minute drive home... And just to note, I didn't neglect Jack... he was hungry and finished his bottles, I wasn't able to pump and we weren't able to pull off the highway.
Daniel and I just dropped off GG at the airport to fly to Boston.
15 minutes later Jack is bleating his head off like a billy goat or an automatic machine gun. Grace covers her head with her blanket and her ears with her hands.
10 minutes later, Daniel and I hear---sshh!shhh!
Another 5 minutes pass (Jack is still bleating) and Grace says (as loud as she can)---SSSHHHUUUUUSSSHHHH!
An additional 10 minutes pass and then Grace says "Jack! That's enough! No crying! I'm done! No one wants to listen!"
Daniel and I laughed the rest of the 15 minute drive home... And just to note, I didn't neglect Jack... he was hungry and finished his bottles, I wasn't able to pump and we weren't able to pull off the highway.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Cloth Diapers here we come!
Moose is making the change to cloth diapers! I thought Gracie's skin was sensitive... but man, little dude has some seriously sensitive skin. He spent yesterday hanging out in his birthday suit and today in cloth diapers and its made the world of difference. Thanks Sandy for all the help/info... now my baby boy is almost blister free in 2 days!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Jack goes to the playground
Sunday, August 3, 2008
And he's here!!!
Daniel Jacob Nall Belzer II was born on July 31, 2008 at 5:30 pm. Little Jack or Moose came in weighing 6.5 pounds and was 18 inches long. Mom and baby are doing well!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Any day now...
Despite the efforts of the doctors to slow down/stop the early labor process, Moose is not responding. So... within a week.. maybe we will have baby Moose.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Getting Close...
Well, we are getting close to welcoming little Moose. The baby's "room" is ready. The closet is the perfect fit for his Moses basket and a table for changing his diapers. Its not much, but it provides what we need without taking anything away from Grace. Our new estimated window of arrival--- July 29-August 10.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Ladies and Gentlemen....
We have decided on either Daniel Jacob Nall Belzer II or Daniel Jack Nall Belzer. Either way he will go by Jack or Moose. We will make our final decision when he is born.
We have decided on either Daniel Jacob Nall Belzer II or Daniel Jack Nall Belzer. Either way he will go by Jack or Moose. We will make our final decision when he is born.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
To Our Little Man:
Dear Moose,
You and your sister, Grace, are our wealthiest possessions. My goal is life is to be a godly mother and exhibit God's love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control in all areas of my life. I thank God for you, Grace and Papa and that he can sympathize with my weaknesses. I have learned to trust God with his plan for my life and I am learning to trust him with his plan for your life.
I offer God thanks for the children he has entrusted to our care. I know his plans for you are for good. I desire to instill in you and in Grace a love for God and the desire to walk in his ways. I hope God can instruct me and enable me to teach you and give me the wisdom as I face the challenges our futures will bring.
I have learned that the spaces in a home are where you figure out who you are and how you define life. We can be with God, no matter what is buzzing around us. Life has purpose and hope in God's story. He has already provided for our family in numerous countless ways.
As we all get ready to welcome you to our lives, I pray that I will have the knowledge and strength to raise a son. I hope that your blog will be a witness to my growth as your mother.
With love and excitement,
You and your sister, Grace, are our wealthiest possessions. My goal is life is to be a godly mother and exhibit God's love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control in all areas of my life. I thank God for you, Grace and Papa and that he can sympathize with my weaknesses. I have learned to trust God with his plan for my life and I am learning to trust him with his plan for your life.
I offer God thanks for the children he has entrusted to our care. I know his plans for you are for good. I desire to instill in you and in Grace a love for God and the desire to walk in his ways. I hope God can instruct me and enable me to teach you and give me the wisdom as I face the challenges our futures will bring.
I have learned that the spaces in a home are where you figure out who you are and how you define life. We can be with God, no matter what is buzzing around us. Life has purpose and hope in God's story. He has already provided for our family in numerous countless ways.
As we all get ready to welcome you to our lives, I pray that I will have the knowledge and strength to raise a son. I hope that your blog will be a witness to my growth as your mother.
With love and excitement,
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Why Moose?
You maybe asking-- why have they nicknamed their son Moose Bear? How odd for Daniel and Sarah. While it may sound a little odd, it is actually Grace who has named him Moose. When we asked Grace what she would like to name the baby, she responded with "Moose"... and it hasn't changed, except to add Bear to the end of it. After we accepted her nickname as what we would call him until he was born, we learned that the class pet rabbit at pre-school is named Moose. Daniel and I think that is where she picked up the name. But Moose is a pretty cool nickname- especially if the little man plays football or lacrosse in high school.
At Grace's Request
So Grace thought it only fair that Moose has a "computer page" too. As he becomes more and more active as well as a topic of daily conversation between Daniel and I, Grace is becoming more concerned with him too. Today she announces "I would like to play with baby brother!"
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