Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Last night Daniel and I observed Jack saying "wow" over and over as he played with his toys. Well, this morning, he has continued to say "wow" when he does things like stand and walk along the furniture and pick up Daniel's lacrosse stick. Jack really likes the word WOW.

On another note, we rearranged the apartment and put a ton of things away. We pushed one of the couches over to the TV to close up the hole he liked to hide in that was between the couch and the TV. We moved the toys into a toy box and put it on the far side of the room so its no longer under the TV, and now Jack leaves the TV and the wires alone. We have also started keeping all the doors closed. Our place may look super plain now, but at least I have cut back on the number of times I have to nag Jack to leave things alone.

At 11 months, he has the cup thing down, but still prefers the bottle. He has also started to take his diapers off when they are wet or dirty. He enjoyed nesting boxes, waving, rolling balls, tearing paper and looking at texture books. Jack has also started to do little scribbles and will attempt to sing songs along with Grace, but she doesn't like the duet.

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